العودة   مصر موتورز مجتمع السيارات > السيارات الصينية والهندية > شيرى إسبيرانزا CHERY SPERANZA

شيرى إسبيرانزا CHERY SPERANZA شيري اسبرانزا CHERY SPERANZA شركة شيرى الصينية من اكبر الشركات الصينية بدات تستعين بتصميمات ايطالية وتقنيات متعددة لتقديم سيارات تجمع بين الاقتصادية والجمال تصنع بعض موديلاتها فى مصر تحت اسم اسبيرانزا ومن اشهر الموديلات اسبيرانزا تيجو - M11 - A516 - A620 -QQ - A11 - A15 -A3

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أدوات الموضوع
قديم 08-12-2011, 10:26 PM
cars admire
المشاركات: n/a
افتراضي رد: إحتمال يكون ده الحل النهائى لعضة الفتيس (إن شاء الله )

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة المفكر مشاهدة المشاركة

معلومة جديدة وأكيد مفيدة
سبحان الله ممكن يكون الحل بسيط بس منعرفهوش
:CH UBBY~36::CHUBB Y~36:سو قسوق
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 09-12-2011, 11:11 AM
cars admire
المشاركات: n/a
مميز ده الحل النهائى لعضة الفتيس !!!!!!!!


رد مع اقتباس
قديم 10-12-2011, 10:28 AM
cars admire
المشاركات: n/a
عاجل ده الحل النهائى لعضة الفتيس!!!


:w6w2 00504111340266d:w6w200504 111340266d:w6w20050411134 0266d
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 10-12-2011, 05:23 PM
الصورة الرمزية mhamdy75
mhamdy75 mhamdy75 غير متواجد حالياً
تاريخ التسجيل: Jun 2009
المشاركات: 6,395
mhamdy75 has a reputation beyond reputemhamdy75 has a reputation beyond reputemhamdy75 has a reputation beyond reputemhamdy75 has a reputation beyond reputemhamdy75 has a reputation beyond reputemhamdy75 has a reputation beyond reputemhamdy75 has a reputation beyond reputemhamdy75 has a reputation beyond reputemhamdy75 has a reputation beyond reputemhamdy75 has a reputation beyond reputemhamdy75 has a reputation beyond repute
انذار رد: ده الحل النهائى لعضة الفتيس!!!

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة cars admire مشاهدة المشاركة


:w6w2 00504111340266d:w6w200504 111340266d:w6w20050411134 0266d


مهندس / محمد حمدى

انا عضو فى جروب اسبرانزا للجميع


رد مع اقتباس
قديم 10-12-2011, 09:14 PM
cars admire
المشاركات: n/a
افتراضي رد: ده الحل النهائى لعضة الفتيس!!!

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة mhamdy75 مشاهدة المشاركة



Forte Automatic Transmission Treatment

Forte automatic transmission treatment forte automatic transmission treatment will provide the following benefits: smoother gear change reduces oxidation (varnish and tar formation) prevents fluid leaks (seal conditioner) compatible with continuously variable transmissions automatic transmission treatment is the recommended treatment for hydraulic systems using lhm fluid such as used by citroen, particularly for conditioning the rubber seal between the hydraulic fluid pipe and gas globe. automatic transmission treatment can also be used to flush the auto box when, due to low fluid level and overheating occurring, the residual fluid oxidises to form varnish and tar. by adding two tubes of automatic transmission treatment and fresh atf to the auto box and running the vehicle for 50-100 miles, the gums are dissolved, restoring the efficient operation of the gearbox. the box should then be drained and replenished with fresh atf and one tube of automatic transmission treatment. automatic transmission treatment is also compatible with crankcase oils and can be used to treat manual gearboxes filled with crankcase oil to overcome 'notchy' gear change. forte automatic transmission treatment will provide the following benefits: smoother gear change reduces oxidation (varnish and tar formation) prevents fluid leaks (seal conditioner) compatible with continuously variable transmissions automatic transmission treatment is the recommended treatment for hydraulic systems using lhm fluid such as used by citroen, particularly for conditioning the rubber seal between the hydraulic fluid pipe and gas globe. automatic transmission treatment can also be used to flush the auto box when, due to low fluid level and overheating occurring, the residual fluid oxidises to form varnish and tar. by adding two tubes of automatic transmission treatment and fresh atf to the auto box and running the vehicle for 50-100 miles, the gums are dissolved, restoring the efficient operation of the gearbox. the box should then be drained and replenished with fresh atf and one tube of automatic transmission treatment. automatic transmission treatment is also compatible with crankcase oils and can be used to treat manual gearboxes filled with crankcase oil to overcome 'notchy' gear change.

Gearbox and Diff. Treatment

■Protects Metal Serfaces
■Maximizes Equipment Life
■Reduces Friction and Wear

Prolong Gearbox and Differential Treatment is designed for use in manual gearbox and differential applications for truck, automotive,industrial and agricultural gear lubrication. Prolong reduces Friction & Wear, Reduces Operating Temperatures, Maximizes Equipment Life & Performance, Contains Premium Oxidation and corrosion inhibitors, Reduces Noise Pollution, Reduces fuel & Energy Consumption.

How to use

Blend 200ml Gearbox & Differential Treatment to every 1000ml of standard gearbox or differential oil. 20 % by total volume of oil.

Molyslip Gearbox Treatment - 65ml Tube
Double concentrated formula for ultimate protection
Coats moving parts to make gear changing smoother, reducing noise and protecting against friction
For use on manual gearboxes only.

:pod_of_gold ::pod_of_gol d::pod_of_go ld:
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الحل النهائى, الفتيس, عضة, إحتمال

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