عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 08-04-2011, 12:37 AM
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المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة hyundai2005 مشاهدة المشاركة

مش عارف حاسس الفيديو مش حقيقي يعني مش مقتنع وبعدين انا زعلان منك عشان مش عايز تحضر المقابله ومخاصمك

: sd:

spark plug encased in a 500,000 year old

The Coso Artifact is a spark plug found encased in a lump of hard clay or rock on February 13, 1961 by Wallace Lane, Virginia Maxey, and Mike Mikesell while they were prospecting for geodes near the town of Olancha, California and long claimed as an example of an out-of-place artifact.

If a spark plug were encased in a this finding would represent a substantial scientific and historical anomaly, as spark plugs were invented in the 1800s. Critics have argued, however, that the Coso Artifact can be explained by known natural processes.

!!500,000year-old mineral-

In the opinion of one trained geologist, it has taken at least 500,000 years for this nodule to attain its present form—and yet, when we cut it open, we discovered a manmade object within the geode's cavity"

The identity of the alleged trained geologist and his means of dating the nodule were never clarified, and his findings were never published in any known periodical. The nodule surrounding the spark plug may have accreted in a matter of years or decades, as demonstrated by examples of very similar iron or steel artifact-bearing nodules, which are discussed and illustrated by Cronyn (Cronyn, J.M. (1990



انا زعلان منك عشان مش عايز تحضر المقابله ومخاصمك
please do not be angry

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The story tells about a group of rock hunters, who came across a fossil that to them, appeared to be thousands of years old. A quick X-Ray reveled a iron rod that was encased in a porcelain case with a coil spring at one end of the rod. Is it a primitive piece of technology that was just lost in time? We can’t say for sure, but one thing we can say is this is defiantly an interesting story worth the quick read.
From E3 Spark Plugs Website:

Auto and history buffs know that the spark plug dates back at least as far as Edmond Berger’s never-patented, experimental design of 1839. But how about a 500,000-year-old spark plug? That’s how some explain the “Coso Artifact.” Found in 1961 by three rock hunters searching for geodes (rocks with hollow interiors studded with mineral crystals such as amethyst) in California’s Coso Mountains, the find has baffled geologists for decades – Is it the world’s oldest spark plug or just an unexplained geological happenstance?
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