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قديم 22-10-2016, 02:04 AM
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المشاركات: n/a
افتراضي رد: وداعا لمشاكل انقطاع الماء !!billboard drinkable water

الحل الوحيد للزراعة فى الصحراء بمجرد تكثيف الرطوبة من الهواء وتحويلها لماء! ولا شكوى من شح مائى ولا اى شىء!هو الموضوع ده!!! ومياه ممتازة للشرب بدون مواسير ماء!ولا ابار جوفية ولاتكاليف حفر والتشغيل طاقة شمسية برضه ولا تكاليف كهرباء وتخزين الماء طوال النهار فى تانكات واستعماله ليلا سبحان الله!ّ
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 24-10-2016, 10:54 PM
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المشاركات: n/a
Smile اللى عنده كيسة كومبيوتر قديمة يعملها دفاية !غلاية! البرد قادم!

HHO powered space heater

The first step was to construct the most efficent electrolizer possible which seemed to be a dry cell design:

The compleated cell:

Tests showed the eletrolite was heating up alot so I added a radiator to cool things off:

Video Test 1
Blower design:

Changed the inefficent heat exchanger design:

Components placement:

This project could exchange heat very well so the heat production

Copyright Itawk.com 2016 Code by Hitman

RV TRUCK BUS Split Gas Hydrogen Electrolyzer

#HHO #Rv #Truck #Split #Gas #Hydrogen

التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة cars admire ; 24-10-2016 الساعة 11:07 PM
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 24-10-2016, 10:56 PM
cars admire
المشاركات: n/a
افتراضي رد: اللى عنده كيسة كومبيوتر قديمة يعملها دفاية !غلاية! البرد قادم!



رد مع اقتباس
قديم 24-10-2016, 10:57 PM
cars admire
المشاركات: n/a
افتراضي رد: اللى عنده كيسة كومبيوتر قديمة يعملها دفاية !غلاية! البرد قادم!

1- 6 Litre Engines PURE HYDROGEN SPLIT GAS kit


5.0 L l12/24 Volt Small Medium Trucks Single Cell






رد مع اقتباس
قديم 24-10-2016, 10:58 PM
cars admire
المشاركات: n/a
افتراضي رد: اللى عنده كيسة كومبيوتر قديمة يعملها دفاية !غلاية! البرد قادم!

EmergencyPortable 5 KW POWER & 710 Litre H Storage


  • 1/3

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The price includes the total system:
Power box
Sensor board
All hoses, clamps and wiring
Display monitor
Cell and tank
Refill bag

Please bear in mind that all electrodes including the Titanium are tested and controlled before assembley.
All parts are precision made and all tooling belongs to QH and injection takes place under our control.
The safety systems include:
- Power interuption if cell breaches predetermined temperatures; either over heat or freeze.
- Power interuption if water level fall below predetermined levels.
- auto refill if water level falls
- current limiter built in
- cell will not operate UNLESS ENGINE RUNNING
م€€We understand that the current supply of HHO cells are cheap but this is a professional manufactured item and not HHO. Everything is built to a standard and built to last. We look forward to a Skype chat discussing a formal dealership arrangement with you

Welcome Rv People.

My name is Dan, I am a Casual Rv-er and regular Snow bird love being SW and Arizona long sky Drives .

Short and Simple. What do I recommend and why for RV's ?

1 .I recommend installing Edison Iron Batteries = Why they never die and will be saving you alot of heart ache and wasted money time over lead acid batteries, they aslo perform better and are not damaged by the RV total power drain situation which kills lead acids batteries far too often and often jams us in some small town waiting for batteries. The are nickel iron deep cell and won't sulphate up.

2. I recommend install a Maxwell capacitor buffe/power boost pack both on engine alternator and main cabin, Why?
Because it frees the alternator drag from you vehicle and save gas, it also helps the power system handle loads far better with out drawing directly on batteries or alternator directly in all condition especially a crital power states with batteries fried and solar down,. A Maxwell capacitor gives a lot of fast rapid charge ability and power to your rig ,

So if you solar is connected and running it instantly makes a useable charge fast in the capacitor unlike batteries which you have to
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منقول..Turning Water into Horsepower for A4 cars admire أودي AUDI 15 23-10-2016 04:24 AM
Aquamist Water Injection Cooling 2s IT CAN BE FIT WITH ANY CARS!!1 cars admire ميكانيكا السيارة 39 25-07-2015 09:28 PM
فوائد شرب الماء نبيل عبدالرحمن نادى الاطباء 1 01-03-2013 01:05 AM
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