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تقارير اجنبية خاص بالتقارير الاجنبية والاخبار العالمية المتعلقة بالامان والسلامة المرورية

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قديم 22-07-2009, 12:00 AM
اخبار مصر موتورز اخبار مصر موتورز غير متواجد حالياً
مراسل مصر موتورز
من انا؟: إدارة مصرموتورز
تاريخ التسجيل: Jun 2008
الموقع: مصر
المشاركات: 18,579
اخبار مصر موتورز is a name known to allاخبار مصر موتورز is a name known to allاخبار مصر موتورز is a name known to allاخبار مصر موتورز is a name known to allاخبار مصر موتورز is a name known to allاخبار مصر موتورز is a name known to all
2001 Honda Accord, Civic recalled due to airbags that are even more explosive than normal

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Honda is recalling some of its 2001 model year Accord and Civic models due to excessively pressurized airbags. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration says that certain airbags in the affected vehicles can deploy so violently that the inflator will rupture. When the bag is deployed, NHTSA says that metal shards from the excessive explosion could act like shrapnel, shoot through the bag and possibly injure vehicle occupants. We're no crash experts, but that sounds like it would hurt a lot.

Owners of affected 2001 Accords and Civics will be able to bring in their vehicle to their local Honda store where the inflator will be replaced free of charge. Honda hasn't yet released a notification schedule or disclosed how many of each model will be recalled, but owners can find out more info by calling Honda at 1-800-999-1009. Hit the jump to read the official NHTSA press release.

[Source: NHTSA]

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2001 Honda Accord, Civic recalled due to airbags that are even more explosive than normal originally appeared on Autoblog on Tue, 21 Jul 2009 16:29:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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